trademark infringement
If someone is using a name, slogan, or logo that is confusingly similar to yours, this could be an instance of trademark infringement.
Too often brands will get “inspired” by other brands and will either heavily borrow or just straight up copy elements from others brands. This can be very frustrating as others can take advantage of all of your hard work without having to put in the time themselves. In situations like these it is absolutely possible to assert your rights getting the other party to stop, change their branding, and/or pay damages for the infringement. Additionally, when you have trademark rights there is an affirmative duty to “police” those rights, and repeated failure to enforce these rights can be grounds for invalidating them. Our attorneys will help enforce you mark and work with you to ensure that that your mark is used properly and will guide you with actionable steps to protect your mark from infringers.
It can also happen, rightly or wrongly, that you receive some sort of complaint, cease and desist, or takedown request alleging that you have infringed someone else’s rights. In situations like these it is important to act quickly so you can assess the strengths and weaknesses of these claims and then respond appropriately. This is something that we handle regularly and our attorneys would also be happy to assist you in situations like these.